制定温習策略,4 大部署輕鬆預備考試
以問題方式熟習課文重點,140 條問答示範助你掌握答題要點,並應用到考試當中
拆解14 種常見題型, 提供精破題眼、過關竅門和常犯毛病,傳授關鍵破題審題攻略
精選8 大必讀跨主題熱門事例,附超過30 條問答示範,化繁為簡,助考生一書掌握關鍵知識
This book combines the key knowledge of the CS subject and the question types of the DSE-CS sample paper, with decent arrangement with examples, Q&As, and hot topics. This companion consolidates your knowledge and helps you get pass in public examination with ease by familiarising yourself with CS in a short time.
Revision Notes
Familiarise yourself with the subject key points through the question-and-answer format. These 140 demos will help you master the keys of answering and then apply them during the exam.
Question Types in AnalysisWith detailed answering demos
With the 14 common question types analysed, and provided with related key points, tips for passing, and common mistakes, so as to handle the strategies for question analysis.
Secret Missions
Through the funny mini games, your knowledge consolidation process runs with a more diversified way.
【Must-read Hot Topics】
We select 8 must-read cross-theme examples with more than 30 related Q&As. By simplifying the contents, we aim at helping candidates to quickly master the key knowledge with only one book.